If your license has been suspended due to an alcohol related charge, you may be eligible for an Occupational Driver’s License. An Occupational Driver’s License, or ODL, may be issued so as not create an undue hardship for people facing alcohol-related charges, or for those whose license has otherwise been suspended by the State of Texas.
Process For Obtaining an ODL
At Ross Law Offices, we will represent you during the somewhat complex procedures involved in petitioning the Court for, and ultimately obtaining an ODL. You will be required to file a request with the court as well as attend a hearing in which a Judge will make the final decision as to whether or not you qualify for an ODL. Ross Law Offices will assist you with all aspects of this process. The inherent paperwork and “red-tape” involved with obtaining an ODL makes the assistance of an attorney very important.
If the Judge decides to grant you an ODL, you will receive a court order stating such. You will then need to submit this order, along with other required items such as proof of insurance and payment of fees, to the Texas Department of Public Safety. While your court order is being processed, you will need to carry a copy of the actual court order with you at all times as a temporary license. This order is good for up to 30 days.
What Does an ODL Allow You To Do
ODL’s are a form of restricted license, and thus do not carry with them the same privileges that a standard driver’s license allows. If a Judge decides to grant you an ODL, you will be able to use it to drive to work, school, and to carry out essential and necessary household tasks. The Judge will usually require the driver to carry a log book with them stating where they are going and for what purpose. It is important that a person realize that an ODL only allows driving for these limited purposes. If you are stopped by an officer, and he has reason to believe you are violating the terms of the ODL, he may, and probably will, take you to jail.
We Understand Your Need For an ODL
Because of the extreme hardships facing a person in need of an ODL, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible. Almost everyone still needs to be able to get to work and perform necessary daily tasks, and most of us are not able to use alternative forms of transportation for extended periods of time. This is why it is crucial that you have an attorney who understands the process, and will work to obtain an ODL with the best terms possible for your individual situation. An ODL is not simply a standard issued form. A judge will hear the facts regarding your specific situation and set forth what you are and are not allowed to do with your ODL.
Call Us Today
At Ross Law Offices, we will represent your interests, from the initial filing of the required various forms and court documents, through the final hearing in which the Judge will make the ultimate decision. Call us today for more information and a free consultation regarding this process.